So finally I gave a presentation to some QA folks from Morgan Stanley on "my experiences in agile testing"......I have been working on it for more than 2 months got postponed twice before it finally happened but I am not complaining as I got that much more time.So how did it go ??
1. Well first thing I learned was I was not being a good listener. Some audience asked me questions but I realized that I was cutting them in between and assuming what the rest of question is and would started answering which did not help....
2. I also thought I did not answer them in a easily understandable I was clear in my mind of what I am saying but I did not frame it nicely enough....
3. For one question I did not really understand the intent of the question but started answering as soon as the question was over...not good
I dont want to be too hard on myself. I will just take these 3 points as my learning from this venture and try to plug that gap....
Another interesting thing that happened was...confusing around who will run the ppt while I am talking abt it. I was told that since I am remote and on phone the ppt will be run by host and not presenter so i did not have my notes in a hard copy but just on the notes section of the slide...what actually happened was that i was supposed to share my desktop in run mode so I could not see my notes during run time at all...
Well given that confusion I think I did ok as a starter.I was glad i could complete the presentation in allotted 60 mins although during practice I took 1.30 minutes for my first dry run :)
The most important takeaway from this presentation is that its DONE I am no more a rookie in presentation and talks.(I have done it once atleast ) now I think I am ready for another one...I will take it whenever I get a chance again....
Sounds like you had fun doing it, and learnt from the experience. Way to go Pethe!